Weight Tracker

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I am Thrilled

I have to say that after coming back from wiegh in today, I was extremely pleased. I lost another 3.2 pounds, after just being on vacation, and have lost a total of 21.2 pounds.

I can not tell you how happy I am that I made a decision to lose weight a couple of months ago. I feel successful and I feel that I am strong enough to continue on this journey for the long haul.

I often find myself reflecting on what a great place I would be in if I could just make the weight disappear. However, what positive lessons would I learn from that. I truly believe that I will be more aware of what I need to do to make this work as I continue. I think this is one of those life lessons I needed to learn for myself. I am prepared to make this work. :O)